Top reasons to use fibre optics in Brisbane

The majority of us have heard that fibre optics in Brisbane provide internet speeds that are "superior," yet this is a bit of a misnomer. What exactly does that imply? Is it actually more dependable and faster? What are the other possibilities of connections that we're weighing? What is the difference in internet speed between optic fibre and copper cable? Is it more costly? How can we acquire it if it's as revolutionary as they claim? What are optical fibre cables? A data link delivered by a cable packed with tiny glass or plastic fibres is what an optical fibre internet connection is. Data transmit through them in the form of pulsed light beams. At 1 Gbps, the internet speeds are around 20 times quicker than ordinary cable. There isn't any copper wire to clog things up, and that's what makes it different from regular cables. Signals from cable internet go down metal cables. As the metal warms up, the signal weakens and picks up interference. That is wh...